How to Kill AdBlockers with AntiAdblocker Widget - Devhelper  

How to Kill AdBlockers with AntiAdblocker Widget

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What is Anti Adblocker?

Adblockers are computer programs that block advertisements on websites. The problem with ad blockers is that they remove the ads that are crucial to the business model of many websites.Anti-Adblocker bypasses ad blockers by sending users through a "dummy" webpage before reaching the destination. This dummy webpage contains no ads, but appears to the ad blocker as if it does. Users are then free to visit any website they wish without interruption.

Anti Ad Blocker

Why Choose Anti Adblocker ?

It's time to take a stand against ad blockers. As the internet's influence on the economy continues to grow, advertisers need to protect their businesses. Ad blockers are a major obstacle for companies that rely on advertising revenue. The only way to keep the internet free is to take a stand against ad blockers. We know how much you love the internet. That's why we created Anti Ad Blocker.

With Anti Ad Blocker, you can protect your favorite websites from being blocked. With Anti Ad Blocker, you can make sure that your favorite websites stay free for everyone to enjoy. Anti Ad Blocker will work on any website, no matter what content is being displayed. That means you can support your favorite website by clicking on an ad without worrying about getting blocked. If you're reading an article about ad blockers, then you can click on an ad to keep that blog post free for everyone to enjoy.

Anti Ad Blocker also has an added bonus of reducing your risk of getting malware. That's because Anti Ad Blocker doesn't allow any ads with malware to be displayed. So not only are you supporting your favorite websites, but you're also protecting yourself from malware.

Installation of Anti Ad Blocker:

You can install the anti adblock killer script to your website in very easy method. This Process is important because without it, you are susceptible to adblockers which make it difficult to earn money.

How To Install Anti Ad-Blocker on Blogger website?

  1.  Log in to your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Open Theme tab in the Blogger Dashboard.
  3. Click the ▼ icon next to the 'customize' button.
  4. Click Edit HTML, by clicking the button you will be redirected to the editing page.
  5. Now search the </head> in the source code And double Tap To Copy Below Given CSS & Paste It Just Above </head> Tag In HTML.
  6. Now search the code </body> tag And double Tap To Copy Below Given JavaScript & Paste It Just Above </body> Tag.
  7. Save the changes by pressing the save icon 💾